Women and Exercise

We all know that exercise is supposed to be good for us. But regular exercise has unique importance in the lives of women. If we could put the benefits of exercise in a little pill, we’d be popping every day!
Regular physical activity has been associated with the following benefits:
Increases your  energy.
Reduces risk of developing cardiovascular disease , the leading cause of death in women.
Reduces risk of developing non insulin-dependent diabetes, a new American health epidemic associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
Prevents weight gain, helps with weight loss, and is critical in keeping the fat off once you’ve lost it!
Lowers the incidence of breast and colon cancer; may have a preventive effect on other types of cancer.
Lowers risk of osteoporosis. Builds bone or slows bone loss.
Enhances your overall mood and feelings of well-being.

Improves sleep patterns.
Increases your stamina, strength and flexibility, allowing you to perform a variety of work, home and recreational activities
Increases your stamina, strength and flexibility, allowing you to perform a variety of work, home and recreational activities. Improves balance, prevents falls and helps you to become an independent senior citizen! Can decrease the symptoms of osteoarthritis if performed properly. Live longer. Fun, confidence, camaraderie, pride, relaxation, sense of achievement. Personalize Your Fitness Plan Various types of exercise promote different adaptations in the body. It’s helpful to be clear about the benefits associated with different kinds of activity so you can achieve the most meaningful and effective results. Use the following information to help you select the type of exercise that will give you the greatest health rewards based on your individual health risks and concerns.

Lose Fat Weight or Stay Slim?
Both low and high-intensity cardiovascular exercise help you burn calories. Choose options that work with your body and put a smile on your face: walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, rowing, aerobics classes, dancing… Beginners should start slowly and gradually incorporate a variety of activities into their plan. If you’re carrying lots of extra weight, avoid high impact activities initially. Work your way up to exercising harder, longer or more frequently. Alternate long easy-paced workouts with shorter, more challenging exercise sessions. Build a habit of activity, whatever it may be.
Strength training can boost your metabolism by building or maintaining muscle. This helps you burn fat even while you’re sleeping! Strong muscles also enable you to exercise without getting hurt.
Weight loss requires a greater time commitment than most other fitness goals. For greatest success, work up to 60-90 minutes of walking 5 days/week.

Improve Bone Health?
Weight-bearing exercise Consider walking, jogging, dancing, tennis, soccer, basketball

Weight-bearing exercise Consider walking, jogging, dancing, tennis, soccer, basketball. Vigorous and high-impact activities stimulate greater bone strength, but also require better overall fitness and bone health to be performed safely. Check with your doctor about the best options for you.
Strength Training Strong muscles build strong bones. Gradually develop a program that challenges all the muscles in your body: hips, legs, trunk, shoulders and arms. You can use dumbbells, weight machines, exercise bands, calisthenics, Pilates. Progress to free weights so your body has to work harder to stabilize and balance itself. Learn and practice good posture during exercise.

Decrease Risk of Heart Disease/High Blood Pressure/Diabetes?
• Frequent moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health. For example, gradually build up to walking 2 miles briskly (in about 30 minutes) just about every day.
Ask a fitness professional about circuit weight-training. This type of exercise can increase both strength and stamina in the same workout and improve your overall health.

Look like Cindy Crawford?
Forget it! You’re you. She’s a 5’9” model with different genes and different jeans! Your goal should be like one of those U.S. Armed Forces commercials: Be all that you can be! In other words: Work with what you’ve got to be as healthy as possible. And remember, fitness is not just about how you look. It’s about how you feel, how you carry yourself and what your body can do for you.

Increase Your Energy Level?
You’d think that exercise would make you even more tired. But ask anybody who exercises regularly. You get MORE ENERGY and sleep better if you’re physically active. Try exercising earlier in the day so mental fatigue or a crazy schedule doesn’t derail your program.
Aerobics, strength training and lots of recreational activities will give you an energy boost. Just make sure you provide your body with adequate nutrition and give yourself at least one rest day each week.

Reduce Low Back Pain?
doctor to refer you to a physical therapist who can teach you strengthening
Ask your doctor to refer you to a physical therapist who can teach you strengthening, stretching and posture exercises which will reduce the stress on your back. Then keep up these exercises! Or transition to a gym program that will continue to improve your overall/core strength and flexibility.
Perform regular low-impact aerobic exercise such as walking or swimming. This will increase blood flow to the spine and help you control your weight to reduce stress on the back.

Continue to be active and independent as you get older?
As we age, we experience gradual losses of strength, flexibility and stamina. Yet studies show that smart, regular physical training will slow down these losses and keep you feeling and performing younger!

Always warm-up prior to activity. Try viniyoga or restorative yoga, pilates, tai chi or stretching to maintain your flexibility and improve your body awareness. Get in shape to play sports. Start low and go slow! Modify sports activities if necessary or explore new opportunities for exercise.

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