Personal wellness concepts

Personal wellness concepts
Without the personal wellness concepts of self-responsibility, optimism, selfdirection, self-efficacy and personal choice, the wellness dimensions have little meaning for the individual. Instead, they become simply words to describe various types of programming. Personal wellness concepts place wellness on a personal level and allow individuals to move to a higher level of functioning.

In her book Wellness Practitioner, Carolyn Chambers Clark points out that wellness is not restricted by level of health, and that wellness is appropriate to people who are ill, disabled, dying or relatively well. The personal wellness concepts are what make this statement come alive for everyone. These tenets change the focus from what people can’t do to what they can.

The more relevant and fully internalized wellness becomes to an individual, the more each dimension interacts with the center and with other dimensions. This leads to a more balanced and positive personal health perspective. Individuals who think they can, will; and individuals who think they can’t, won’t. This chang in thinking also reflects the change from an external to an internal center of control. At this point, wellness becomes fully integrated into a person’s life. Facilities and clubs that adopt the wholeperson wellness model enhance the lives of their residents and members. They also multiply their business opportunities by six.
The wellness opportunity
Whole-person wellness programming opens a new door to the senior market for each dimension of health. Facilities gain more options to market and sell their offerings, more potential audiences to reach, and more ways to serve their clients’ diverse needs when they offer multidimensional programming. With whole-person wellness, what’s good for the customer is great for business.

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